We celebrate our unique O(ld)M(en)O(n)P(unk)R(ock) and don`t give a fuck.
We never give up, we just get old.
So have a punkin´day and listen to the Päpsipunx dieary !
··············· 11.2017···············
i was a punk before i was a Punk
Last Punk in Town Records 016
··············· 09.2012···············
Last Punk in Town Record 10
Here it is. The 10´th Last Punk in Town Record
They know how to make your life less stupid !
··············· 05.2011···············
Living is for free...(Outtake)
··············· 09.2010
Living is for free
Last Punk in Town Records 004
··············· 06.2009
Tatifari Microphone Song
The Päpsipunx featuring " The Allmighty Jah Tatifari "
··············· 04.2008
Suicide with Style (AcousticAgnosticVersion)
The Päpsipunx celebrate a bad OldManOnPunkRock Song
··············· 11.2007
The Sinner Song (PeteTownVersion)
Just another Punkhit again...
··············· 09.2007
Bäng your Hirn against the System
The Päpsipunx are fit and workin´ again
and released their 1. Single on Last Punk in Town Records